Sunday 18 April 2010

Crobot Wars - Arena Nearing Completion

Texturing of the arena is nearing completion. Its taken longer than expected but then I guess that's game development for you. Further detail needs to be added to the central focal point and large TV screen.

Once the texturing is complete I hope to produce some high quality game art, both to go alongside the game and for my personal portfolio.

Bugs arise once integrated into the games code within XNA. In the three weeks of the project remaining time will be spent fixing the bugs as well finalising the arena and player-controlled machine.

Friday 2 April 2010

UDK (Unreal Development Kit)

After hearing a number of industry professionals saying 3D artists should be able input their creations into a commonly used 3D engine I decided it was time to learn.

As the Unreal engine is widely used and they provide a free version to users it made sense to try it out. Due to time constraints I can't experiment much right now but its first on the list after I complete my degree. As I'm walking into Unreal with no experience I tracked down some great tutorials from 'Eat3D' to help.

I'll keep you updated :)

Crobot Wars - Final Artwork Experimentation

The arena is really coming along and the majority of it is textured. After some tweaking, which I tend to do until the early hours, I'm happy with the overall look, which probably comes down to increasing the saturation and contrast of the textures.

After getting the majority of the texturing done I took a break and threw together a mock-up of some final artwork I plan to produce using the arena.

I'm happy with the results and once all the assets are completed, I will definitely complete a final version of this image complete with post production.